36 weeks today with severe abdominal cramping.


I had my last appointment on Tuesday where I got an ultrasound and my baby was completely head down I was so excited. They also checked my cervix and I wasn’t dialated yet but I was 50% effaced. Fast forward to Thursday. I lost my mucus plug completely. And started getting severe cramping like I was getting my period. Also everything ached.(probably just normal pregnancy) I had not felt him move that whole day which was weird. I called my ob and she told me to come in for fetal monitoring. I get there and baby is fine. Checked my cervix and I’m 1 cm dilated. But my child decided it would be funny to flip in BREECH position. I was so sad because I just want this pregnancy to be over. I want to see my little boy. I’m tired of working and picking up kids all day( I work in childcare) not to mention we are constantly understaffed so I stay late Daily. Please someone tell me how to get my baby back into position and if this ever happened to you could you tell me when exactly you gave birth. I just want him out at 37-38 weeks. And does being 1 cm mean anything?