Making ends meet

Hi ladies! I could use a little advice from those of you that may have found yourself in similar situations. My husband and I are in our late 20s. We are home owners and both employed full time. Financially we could be considered lower-middle class. Living in Connecticut is quite costly and as many of us know, a dollar doesn’t go very far these days. Now that we’ve begun to establish ourselves, we feel emotionally we are so ready to have our first baby. Unfortunately the only hesitation I’m having is our financial situation. Right now, during a good month where we stick to our budget fully, we are only able to put between $600-$800 in savings. Full time infant care in my state is on the very lowest end about $800 a month. We’ve already cut back our spending significantly, but there’s not a whole lot we can do about our student loans and vehicles, insurance costs, etc. If we were to swing the cost of childcare, (unfortunately we need 2 incomes right now) we’d literally be unable to put any money into savings each month. I know there are so many parents out there making it work with even less! How do you do it?? My husband is finishing a graduate degree and is expecting a pretty significant pay raise in about 2 years which would allow us to live more comfortably. I know there’s the option of one or both of us taking on second jobs, but I’d already feel guilty leaving my infant in full time daycare during the week, it doesnt sit well with us to spend even more cherished time away from our future little one. So do we wait? Follow our hearts and go for it and know everything works out in the end? ( it always does) I appreciate any advice you might have!