Didn’t really make a point just looking for guidance or support

Back story

I have been with this man for 5 months, he is a father to a 6 year old. Him and the mother of his child have this weird hold on each other they fight like they’re still together both screaming and name calling.

She has a boyfriend she met around the same time we did.

I love him and his daughter but this is still a fairly new relationship. He doesn’t have a vehicle so he uses me a lot to get to work or run errands.

I recently found out I was pregnant I’ve always wanted a child and age wise this is right timing, relationship wise probably not. When I told him he assumed I would get an abortion. I honestly didn’t know. When I got home he left came back with groceries and offered me a beer.

I know this is probably not the man I want a child with right now with although I do love him and want a child someday. I am just overwhelmed with guilt and anger towards him.

He says we’re not ready. But he does want more children someday

But was he ready when he had his first child

He doesn’t feel anything for what’s inside of me or understand what I’m going through. Kinda just brushed it off and expects me to move on

I don’t honestly know what I want either

But I am being very cold towards him and I can’t help it.