Need advise...

So my SO has this job where he has to go 4 1/2 hours away to take classes and he's going to be gone for 4 days and he's leaving 15 days before my due date. I asked him if I would be able to go with him because I would be a lot less stressed knowing he was close in case I went into labor early but he says that they are paying for him to go and take these classes and he would have to ask his boss if I can go. Has anybody else been in this situation and can give me some insight and advise as to what you did? I don't want to be controlling and say in going whether he likes it or not but I would definitely feel better knowing he is close by in case something happens and not 4 1/2 hours away. Anybody else can jump in and tell me what you would do in this situation also. Cause I'm feeling a whole lot of different things and I just don't want to overreact.