Second pregnancy, first miscarriage..


I was at this point at 8 weeks 6 days when I found out the dreaded news. My first pregnancy I had a birth control baby, where I was taking my birth control into 1 month of my pregnancy with my son. Stopped immediately after finding out, was given progesterone and all went well. This pregnancy however was different. The news of me being pregnant came about 3 weeks ago. I was a bit mixed feelings about it, but knew the baby was a blessing even still. My husband and I were excited shortly after to welcome our second child into our family. 2 days ago, I went to my doctor for slight abdominal pain and very heavy bleeding. Now I spotted with my first child, so I didn't think anything of it when I spotted for this one. However this was not spotting. It was like 6 years of not having a period without birth control had come back to haunt me... And of course doctor walked back into confirm my worst fears.... that we had lost our baby. It was the hardest news to ever hear, and was even harder that my 1 and a half year old son cried because he didn't know why mommy was crying. He kept clinging to me as I wailed and cried. My husband and I both feel defeated in a way, and are heart broken. It's scary to even think of trying again. :(