Always want to be alone

I have depression, anxiety, and PTSD.. but lately I have just been soooo depressed. I just want to be alone. I love my boyfriend to death, but I just absolutely hate it when he’s home. I hate being in a relationship because I just want to be alone. I have an eating disorder and that also leads me to wanting to be alone because I can’t eat in front of other people.... but he’s always home. I also can’t even have sex with him and that makes him upset. I was sexually assaulted before and I am in therapy working through it currently, and even though my body wants to, my mind doesn’t want to. I hate how I can’t be happy around him because I’m always depressed. And I hate that I just always want to be alone. I don’t really know what to do.. I guess I just needed to vent about this.. is anyone else going through something similar?