do you think mother's who's son's abuse spouses/children try to deny or justify it?


I went to mediation yesterday with my son's grandparents. long story short they denied my son's biological father being abusive toward my son. They did admit he was very emotionally abusive to me. My son's great grandmother told me the past was in the past, that my ex had moved on, so I needed to. My ex's mother said she would get on yo him about being abusive to me. like that would do anything to stop him. She also told me he has no reason to abuse me any more. I stopped her and said he had no reason to ever abuse me. The fact that they deny him abusing my son really scares me because he was abusive and they have gotten on to him about seriously hurting him. I realized at that point they are also emotionally abusive to me and could potentially be to my special needs son. So my question is do you think mother's of sons who abuse child/spouses try to justify it or try to make it seem like you're lying? or they deny it.