3 month old baby girl just doesn’t eat a lot.

Taylor • Slay your own dragons, Princess. ❤️

So I’ve got a beautiful baby girl and she’s formula fed (obviously). She is only eating between 22-24 ounces a day and to get her to eat more, I basically have to force her and I know that isn’t the way to go about it. She’ll just spit it out when she doesn’t want anymore. She’s 12.1 pounds and I’m told she’s in her 30th percentile right now on weight. About 87% in height. Her pediatrician isn’t super concerned but does think she should be putting on more than she should. We’ve switched her formula and I’m still getting the same outcome. Switched bottles- same outcome. She doesn’t have reflux and she’s honestly a great baby. Seems happy and healthy! I just know she should be eating around 30 ounces a day and there’s just no way I can get her to!

What do your babies eat daily? Any suggestions?

Pic just because she’s a cutie pie. 💞