Rusty brown colored spotting 5 weeks pregnant


Hello everyone,

I’m looking for some insight. I am currently just 5 weeks pregnant, and last night started spotting a brownish pink tinge when I used the bathroom and wiped. When I got up this morning (around 5 am) my panty liner was clear, but again when I wiped I noticed rusty brown colored spotting (again, only when I wiped). I also have experienced some mild cramping in my uterus, and twinge like feelings and mild pressure on both sides.

I am very nervous, I had an ectopic pregnancy a few years back that was treated with Mtx, and have stage IV endo that was treated by lap two years ago (with six months of Lupron injections). My doctor gave my husband and I the all clear to try on our own, and after 8 months we finally got our BFP 4 days before af was due to arrive. We have been cautiously optimistic, and have had 3 blood draws that are rising appropriately with our first early ultrasound scheduled for this upcoming Thursday. I also have this chest cold, and had a low grade fever (99.5) last night (it was gone by midnight).

I called the on call doc in the middle of the night when I noticed the spotting, but they basically told me to try to relax and call back if the spotting got worse, if I had pain or started to bleed.

Has this happened to anyone and it turned out okay?

Thank you for any responses!