Going through it alone


My husband is a carrier for the CF gene. I’ve had genetic screening and am not a carrier so there is no possibility that we would have a sick child.

However. As a carrier there is a high likely hood that he will have fertility issues.

Because of that, I have kept my feelings about TTC to myself. I don’t want him to go through what I am... getting my hopes up every month and then being devastated... I know he would bllame himself.

What makes it more frustrating is that he’s in the military so travels a lot so I’m often alone. It also means we can’t be considered for fertility intervention until we have tried for 12 months straight (we’ve been trying for nearly two years but

I he’s often away for 4-6 weeks at a time... late 2018 he will be gone for 6 months).

I know I should just tell him but I really don’t want him to feel the way I do. Trying to protect him from it though makes it really hard on me.

Anyway. Just having a whinge.