EBF 6 months and now a dip in my supply


My daughter is 6 months old. Eating solids now, and I breastfeed her first and then give her solids about 30-60 mins after. This has changed our entire schedule she nurses about 4-5 times a day.. about a month ago I could pump after breastfeeding and get about 2 ounces out (just how pumping works for me) but now I can’t get anything out extra. I feel like I’m losing my supply. My boobs are not feeling as full as they used to (I have small boobs, so it’s easy to tell if they’re full and I only have so much room for milk so I know I have a limited space) this also makes it seem like my supply is lowering and not getting anything extra is killing me. I like to have a stash in the freezer just in case. I take supplements from a company called legendairy supplements and they work well I think.

How does your body know that your baby still wants the milk? Like if she doesn’t eat at a certain time, how does your body know to keep making milk?

Why can breastfeeding be so frustrating some times?!