Implantation cramps or no?!?!

Britany • Married to my bff • TTC #1 for a year • Two fur babies

Me and my husband are TTC our first and have been for a year and a half. We had sex on the 10th and according to my <a href="">ovulation tracker</a> I ovulated the following day on the 11th. Early morning, around 3am or 4am, on the 12th I woke up to 4 or 5 really sharp cramps back to back and then nothing. Once they stopped I was able to go back to sleep and I haven’t cramped since then that I’ve noticed. I’ve never experienced anything like that before and I’m curious if it could be implantation cramps. I have noticed I’ve had a lot of head aches lately, I’ve been dizzy and spacey a number of time, and I’ve been nauseous a few times. I’m supposed to start my period on the 25th. Since we’ve been TTC I’ve taken a lot of test and I would hate to take another one and get a negative. So before I do that I just want y’alls opinion. Thanks 😁