Loney and depressed

Im just depressed and im dissapointed in myself for going wrong somewhere in life. im not capable of doing the smallest easiest things. everyone i know seems like they at least have some good things happening in their lives and then theres me doing absolutely nothing. NOTHING. i’m 18, i’m about to drop out of college bc im not interested in it anymore, I dont have a job bc i have fucking social anxiety and i have a speech impediment and cant push myself to get out my comfort zone and im suffering. i just dont get why God would put me through so much pain. Do i deserve it? Did i do something so bad in life that i have to experience this? Im losing friends and im not myself anymore. I dont want to speak up about it bc i know i will get the typical “you should be thankful for everything you have” shit. I cant do this. I feel like im being babied by my family and at this age i feel like i should have SOMETHING going for me. When i was young i always thought by 18, i would be doing good in life. but I guess i’m gonna be depressed for life and i will never feel true happiness.