how to be petty 101

how to annoy/piss of your neighbor without getting in trouble &... go! basically, I moved into a trailer a year & a half ago. I met 2 of my neighbors, nice lady on my left & a sweet old man & his wife across the street. they both warned me about this crazy cat lady on my right. she took the old man across the street to court bc she said he was stalking him, he goes "nobody wants your ugly ass!" 🤣 she obviously lost. anyways, they both warned me about her & today the park manager knocks on my door saying that she's been complaining about me EVERY DAY. saying we rake our leaves in her yard, our dog supposedly shits all over her yard, this & that. park manager is completely on my side & even knows how crazy she is. & also said she loses all of her court cases lol but she told me that she told them that she's talked to her lawyers & they told her to put cameras out & I'm assuming ill be getting a court date soon since she did it to the other 2 neighbors. what are ways I can just be petty without any way of me getting in trouble? lol I'm stuck here for at least 1 more year until we get enough money saved up for a down payment on a house so that means another year of dealing with her 😑😑😑