Just got off the pill


So I have been on the same birth control since age 15 (started off as being called "seasonique" and is now something different), and on that pill I only menstruate once every three months (sometimes with spotting in between) and my period was NEVER regular. Sometimes I would get it for one day, sometimes for two weeks, and sometimes I wouldn't get it at all. My husband and I are now TTC, and so I stopped taking my pills on (I believe) the 11th of January, had a few days of what seemed like light spotting, and am now having normal CM. I downloaded Glow today in an attempt to start planning, but I'm not sure how accurate the calculations will be since I haven't had a real period in I don't even know how long. I don't know when to expect my next period or if it's even worth the effort to track my "cycle" until a "real" period happens. Help!