Have you had cramping during ovulation week?


Ever since I had the D&C; I feel like my body is just out of wack. It took 11 weeks to get my period back. Then this cycle, my second actual cycle since after the D&C;, I have been having some midcycle pains that I never had before. My ovulation week started Friday and it goes all the way until Wednesday I believe. Well I had sex Friday and Saturday (hubby is going to army training today so I won’t see him for months 😢). Saturday night, long after him and I had sex, I cramped a little. It lasted a couple minutes or so, but I didn’t think nothing of it. Sunday I cramped as well, but this time I cramped on and off all day. Today I was okay until this afternoon and I’ve been cramping on and off all day. As this happened to anyone? Can you give m any advice.

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