Missing my baby/ please excuse the picture. Just wanted to know if anyone else has had this problem


It’s been so hard. In June2017 I was forced to have a c Section at 24 weeks. Initially they said my liver was failing but come to find out I had just taken to many Tylenols. My levels were ok and they said I didn’t have to deliver. Then they came back to tell me I had to deliver because my baby umbilical cord had reversed blood flow. I had no choice I had to deliver at that point. My baby boy Le’Gend only lived two days. Then just in Nover I found out I was pregnant again. At the first ultrasound I should have been about 7 or 8 weeks. The ultrasound showed only the gestational sac and the yolk sac but no baby. Give or take I went back to repeat the ultrasound one week and three days later and still no baby had grew. 😩😩😩😥😥😥. The next day I started to bleed and cramp and had a miscarriage. The first day I just saw a little spotting, then the next day I was contracting for about 7 hours. And when I stood up I felt something drop in my pants. I put on some hospital underwear that I had because I knew this was going to be a long day . I’m crushed. I have 4 living kids and my Le’Gend is gone. I just don’t know what to do. Just pray for me. I’m unsure if I want to do this again