Due on My Dearly Departed Dad's Birthday

Keopu • 30-something communications professional mom of 1, looking forward to being mom of 2 in September!

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I just found out this morning because my husband told me we were having green papaya salad (which i LOVE). Then I remembered from my first that it's not good to eat while pregnant. So I thought then that there's no point in waiting until tomorrow morning as planned. I ended up taking this at work 😂 and had to try so hard to stay silent and not start dancing in the bathroom stall!!!

I'm telling my husband tonight. I'm hoping my corny joke of putting a bun in the oven and asking him to go look for something actually works. Good news is I went and got a book for my son about being a big brother, so if all else fails, there's that! Wish me luck on the big reveal!