Too early to test?


Okay yall, I need some opinions. I have an irregular AF and can never really predict a certain day but can usually narrow it down to a certain week. My husband and I did the BD during ovulation, which was about 7 or 8 days ago. Glow is predicting my period to arrive next Monday, a week from today but I have been experiencing some weird body changes. I am having hot flashes in the middle of the night and literally have to stripe naked in order to go back to sleep.

Over the weekend, I was riding in the car and felt so dizzy and nauseas to the point, where my husband had to pull over. I am extremely bloated and have been living in yoga pants because my jeans are so uncomfortable 😩😩

I don't know when is too early to test, especially with all these weird changes lately. Is my mind playing tricks on me or do y'all think this could be symptoms?

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