Could I have missed my ovulation window??

Jessica • Married 💏 2014 — 🧒🏻 2000 — 👱🏻‍♀️ 2004 — 👱🏻‍♀️ 2009 — 👼🏻 + 👼🏻 2018 — 🌈 🤰🏻due 12/6/20 — 41yo and 50yo DH

I finished af last Monday. I assumed I wouldn’t ovulate for over a week, so I started doing opk tests on Wednesday. Below are the tests from Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday and today (I did one Saturday but it was very faint like Sunday’s). The app said I’m supposed to ovulate on Wednesday of this week, but based on these it kind of looks like it happened last Friday. Does that line look like I ovulated, or should I keep testing and looking for a darker line? This is my first month using OPK so I’d like to at least try to establish a baseline.