Last period 8 weeks, negative tests 😔


My husband and I have been trying since we got married 8 months ago. My period has been regular and on time since then. I’ve now missed my period and am 8 weeks since my last one. I’ve taken 3 tests, all have come out negative. No changes in our lifestyle or eating habits and no more stress than normal. Has this happened to anyone else? Is this normal?


After having an ultrasound my doctor discovered I have PCOS. Super depressing to find out how messed up my body is that I need medication in order to MAYBE conceive. She prescribed me Metformin to help with the PCOS as well as Clomid 50mg to help me ovulate.

Meanwhile, my husband has had a SA with 0% morphology. So we’re both broken.

He’ll see a urologist to find out what his next steps are. Waiting sucks.