Help a girl out.

So it has become clear that my other half doesn't understand PMS. I had a iud when we first got together so he never saw me have a period and I always wanted to pick around and play. But now we want to have a baby so the iud had to go. Well I've been without it since last year and I started getting my periods back in November. I'm suppose to start my period tomorrow. And I'm feeling the cramping, backaches and just wanting to cry into a pillow all day feeling. He doesn't understand that I can't control this feeling. The smallest thing sets me off. Like I don't want to be this way. He looked at me today and told me I need to stop blaming my emotions on my period. Then asked if I was gonna be the same way when I got pregnant. So at this point I'm thinking about getting another iud because all this does is hurt our relationship. I just can't seem to make him understand that if he was to experience cramps and bleeding for 5 days a month he might be emotional too. I just feel so hopeless at this point