TTC baby #2-


Okay ladies so, I got my IUD removed on 1/18 after having it for a year and a half . my OB told me that I could get pregnant immediately after the removal . I didn’t know when my period /ovulation would be because I hadn’t had a period in almost a year because of the IUD but she said fertility returns immediately so it didn’t matter much . My husband is in the military so we planned for me to visit him the weekend after I removed it . Timeline : removed iud 1/18, went to visit 1/20-1/21 . Well, on the way , I started what I’m assuming is my period . Well, he insisted we have sex anyways so we did . My period only lasted 3 days ending yesterday and so today I’m completely period free. My question is , is what is the likelihood

That we conceived this weekend ? Since we don’t see each other a lot , ttc is going to be difficult anyways. We’re so hopeful though !

Also, how early should I test ? Idk when my periods are supposed to be since ive only had one since the removal Of my IUD . My first pregnancy wasn’t really planned so this whole trying thing is new to me .