
I’m 19 years old and found out I was pregnant on the 18th of December 2017, I didn’t know what to do I went to work the next day as normal and I cried, and cried trying to figure out what to do when everyone asked me what was wrong I just said I felt very ill. That day at work (19th December) I calculated to see if we could do it, when my due date would be that’s when I learned I was 5 weeks and my due date would have been August 17th 2018

and by around 3 o clock I was happy, I thought we can do this and everything will be okay, my partner was very supportive and said he’ll be here no matter what I decided, I’d been having nausea all day and around 4 o clock my manager told me to go to the doctor and see if he could see what was wrong (obviously they did not know I was pregnant) so I went to the doctor and I was very nervous I was afraid of being judged for being so young, the doctor got me to do a pregnancy test so I went to the bathroom and saw I was bleeding lightly and i started to get worried, I went back in to the doctor and he said the test was negative and he also did a test for blood and there was traces in my urine and that’s when he said I was probably miscarrying he acted like he was telling me I had a cough he was so casual even though I felt like my heart had been ripped out, I only had 1 day to know about my baby and the next they were gone, I never knew how badly I wanted him/her. I’m heartbroken when I went home I cried as I told my partner and I haven’t stopped, I cry pretty much daily I never knew you could feel hurt like this. That evening I felt pain I never thought I could I cried more than I ever have knowing everything I’d planned out just earlier in the day was gone just like that, the pain was excruciating not just physically but emotionally. I guess I’m just writing this as I’m hoping it’ll help me heal



I would have been 12 weeks two days ago, I cannot stop crying please tell me it gets easier all I want is my baby ❤️