Anybody feel bad about not being sad for a friend?

My friend has been pregnant four times in 2017 she miscarried all those babies extremely early into the pregnancy (talking like 8 weeks maybe less) the reason why? Instead of using condoms like any other person would she has constantly been using Plan B pills. She said that at one point she took SEVEN of those pills in ONE month. Yes. One month. After the 4th miscarriage she went to her Obgyn because she was pouring blood that time, like a huge amount nonstop. Her doctor told her that from taking all those pills it basically ate a hole in her and it’s causing her to miscarry every time she gets pregnant. Her doctor also told her that she is so fertile from screwing up her system with those pills that if she were to go have sex right now she would get pregnant. She even said it’s so bad that she doesn’t think birth control will help (she’s on the patch but it actually quit working because of how her body is acting) she’s only 18. Her OB told her that she should think about getting fixed because she really doesn’t think she’ll ever be able to have another baby that won’t end up in a miscarriage. (She has a little girl already that was born in 2016) she doesn’t want to get fixed because she’d like to have more kids one day but I don’t think she’s realizing how messed up her body is right now. She called me and told me about it. I love her so much but I’m having a hard time feeling sorry for her (the reason she called me is because she wanted me to feel sorry for her, before anyone thinks I’m being mean I’ve known her our entire lives and she’s always been like this) I just feel like this whole thing could have been avoided because who in their right mind thinks if they take seven plan b pills in one month and think it won’t hurt them?? She knew there was a chance of it and instead of getting condoms (which we can get for free at the health department) she just kept on eating those pills like they were candy. I’m not even sure what I should tell her or what I should do, I’m trying to be there for her but she’s still taking the pills.