Thrilled, nervous, and excited!


Trying not to get my hopes up but it looks like this bean might actually stick! Just got married in November and started trying right away, as I’m 35 and didn’t want to waste a second of time (literally a second 😂😂) Got pregnant the end of November but that ended as a chemical. Felt super confusing and wasn’t even sure that I was pregnant in the first place. Positive wondfo’s for a day and a half... but never on a Frer or digital. Wondered if I just had a wonky batch of wondfo’s... after my period was a little late and then one that came on cd 18, the following month with heavier flows... I was pretty sure that I was in fact pregnant the month before... tried again this month... again on 9dpo had positive wondfo’s but nothing else... today at 10dpo I got this! Maybe this time it’s the one! Every finger and toe crossed!!!!