So confused 😭 scared


Has anyone been told they were miscarrying and then told Day's later well your levels are still rising so there's a chance?

I'm so confused. Let me back up....

I got my BFP 01/10 on 01/12 I started spotting on 01/13 I was bleeding bright red blood heavier than my period I went to the ER as it lasted for 8 hours at that point... nothing was seen in uterus hcg only 50. I was told I was most likely miscarrying and I had a slim chance that my dates are very off and it was implantation. 01/14 strong cramps and passed 5 clots size of a quarter. 01/15 bright red heavy bleeding/cramps drew hcg and it was 107 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was told since they were doubling it was still viable. Bleeding continues bright red 01/16. 01/17 bleeding still red moderate amount hcg 112 I was told it was definitely a miscarriage and offered cytotec to speed up the process. I declined. They decided to test hcg two days later. Bleeding still red but lighter amount with light cramps not nearly as bad as they were. We were expecting hcg to be 0 or very low... on 01/19my hcg was 250!!!!! They told me I'm not miscarrying and baby is still growing.

I told them I can't do this back and fourth anymore... it's heart breaking...hcg is too low to show anything on ultrasound so we are waiting until February 5th to draw hcg again and it must be well in the thousands by then... ugh

I'm scared confused anxious angry hopeful everything

I've never heard anyone go through this 😔