I was due on 05/04

Demetra • Mom of 1 boy& 1 girl💜 Number 3 when God is willing!
I was due on 05/04. I agreed to be induced on 05/01 because I wasn't progressing as far as effacement or dilation.
I went in at 5:30am on 05/01. At around 7am my doctor arrived and broke my water, did a stretch and sweep and started pitocin. I progressed rather quickly. At 5cm I requested an epidural. It took the poor anesthesiologist 5 or 6 tries to get the epidural in. About 10 minutes into waiting for it to kick in, I realized it didn't take. My legs& butt were numb but my stomach wasn't& I was still feeling the contractions in my stomach. By then I was at a 6+ and was scared because I thought that I was going to have to deliver naturally. The anesthiologist came& gave me another epidural & it worked within about 8 minutes. I was soooo happy! My bladder was super full which was keeping his head from dropping and me from dilating past a 6 so they placed a cathedar in and as soon as I was able to pee within minutes I was fully dilated& able to push. I pushed for about 5 minutes& baby Avery was born😍😁