Gluten and Anxiety???

Hello, ladies!

I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder back in August of 2017. Before being officially diagnosed, I was experiencing 2-3 panic attacks per week and was just a generally nervous/anxious person. I was also always a nervous kid and a very anxious student, so my anxiety stretches back pretty far. Recently, at the turn of he new year, I decided to cut gluten from my diet. I had read some journal articles that talked about a link between gluten and anxiety. I thought I would give it a try and I have been feeling significantly better since then! I have only had ONE panic attack in the past month and that was after eating gluten all weekend (I was on a service trip and didn’t really have a choice).

I know that gluten contributes to anxiety only if that person has a gluten sensitivity, but I’m glad I tried it out. I don’t 100% know if I’m gluten sensitive or not, but I have noticed a ton of positive results. I’ve also lost a bit of weight from not eating loads of pasta and sweets all the time haha!

Has anyone else gone gluten-free and seen an improvement in their mental health? I have done a ton of research on this and I am doing this gluten-free thing safely. I know this diet isn’t for everyone but I just thought I would see who else has benefited from it.

Note- please do your own research and don’t decide to change your diet just because of this post!!!