Advice Needed


Hi everyone! So I’m having a bit of a dilemma with my BC. A little background first, I started taking the pill when I was 15 to help me deal with the pain I was getting from cramps and to better regulate my period. This birth control I was on was working fine for me until I came to college and then it just...stopped helping. My cramps had gotten so bad that I told my grandmother that I wanted to see a gynecologist (which terrified me due to past sexual abuse) but she agreed and I went. My doctor was really nice and she explained that sometimes our bodies just get used to taking something and that eventually it can stop helping us the way we want it to. She diagnosed me with endometriosis during that appointment and switched me over to a different type of pill called Rivelsa. Rivelsa sounded like such a great idea because instead of having a period every month, I would get it once every three months instead. She told me that the first three months, my first pack, there would be some spotting and stuff throughout the first two months and then even during the second pack (months 4-6) I shouldn’t be alarmed if spotting occurs.

I’ve been taking this pill for a year now. That’s four packs, and during the second month of each pack I would “spot”. This spotting would go on for two weeks or more and last month (December) it was so bad that I actually had to use light tampons I was bleeding that much. My period always comes on Wednesday (which would have been yesterday) and it...sort of has? It’s like there’s barely enough blood there for me to even consider using a panty liner. I don’t really know what any of this means or what’s going on with my body and I was wondering if maybe any of you have used this kind of birth control or if any of you have experienced this on the pill before? I’m going in to see my gynecologist next week but this has been stressing me out for a while now.