Based on BBT — Did I ovulate yesterday (Wednesday) CD 13?

Kelly • Married since May 2017💜Baby girl born 6/5/19💞TTC since June 2020 for baby two☀️11/20🌈👼 BFP #2 1/5/21🥰

So clear blue advanced test was high fertility CD 10 am, and then high CD 11 in am. I retested CD 11 around 10:30pm and it was peak! Glow seems to change my O date depending on if I indicate peak or high fertility that day, and I’m not sure which to use since I got two readings at opposite ends of day! I got a negative on the regular clear blue yesterday. Despite this, BBT seems to clearly show the O dip yesterday and rose today. Safe to say I Oed CD 13??

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