Water broke, but no sign of baby


At 9:30last night my water broke as I got up from the dinner table.

My SO panicked and packed me off to L&D; without giving me time to pick up my book or put last minute toiletries in the bag.

Some contractions started in the night, but looks like I'll be here a while, so the OB staff sent SO home until labor starts, or tonight's visiting hours, whichever comes first.

Am now stuck in a ward room with a lady who had a c-section last night, and her baby who is the only one in the ward who has not stopped screaming since 6 am. She's supposed to be moved to a private room this afternoon, and at some point I'll be moved to a labor room, either way I hope it happens soon. I can take the contractions, but not with a screaming child interrupting my concentration, and making me feel like I shouldn't move around too much lest I disturb him.