Do i answer this


My boyfriend tells me not to get him gifts. I got him a sweatshirt version of a tee he already has- and he didn’t even open the package. He knew where it was from, and guessed what it was , and said “this is what i mean. I don’t want this and I’ve told you multiple times i don’t want you buying me things like this” i thought it was a nice gesture , however he began to say this is why we are incompatible because i don’t “listen” which is also when i said it’s not about listening and obedience- i just got a gift i thought he’d like. Which he responded that “my way “ wasn’t going to work. After crying and trying to come to a conclusion he told me to walk away , that he “didn’t want to fight over this nonsense , and just listen and do what he says, instead of doing what i think is right” i went to bed , barely looked or talked to him this morning and received this text seconds after i left

A) do you agree he is manipulating me

B) do i even bother to answer