Supply drop 5m pp

What can I do? I feel like quitting if I lose anymore ounces. At 2-4m pp I was averaging 23-25oz a day exclusively pumping. I tried so many things to get it up and nothing Worked. Lactation smoothies didn’t increase but it did thicken my milk. I tried Legendairy supplements.. they increased to 25-26 oz a day but they’re too expensive for me to continuously purchase them for such a little increase! I would’ve kept buying them if it got me atleast 30oz a day. Fenugreek I felt like made my supply dip. Power pumping yielded little results but I will keep trying. I want to quit so bad! I spent so many hours, dayssss even, probably weeks.. stuck to this pump in the last 5 months. All that work and effort and I have been supplementing with formula the whole time too! I want to keep it up but at what point, is it more of a sacrifice than it’s worth?! I can barely get anything done around then house because when I’m not pumping, I’m cleaning bottles, cleaning pump parts, and taking care of my son!