Pregnancy Test


So I’ve been waiting for AF 8 weeks now since my ectopic surgery. I decided to call my doctors office and find out if this is typical. She told me typically 1-2 months for my cycle to return normal. Asked if I’ve been sexually active with my husband and told yes about the last 2-3 weeks, but we haven’t been trying. Told her I planned to take a test, and she agreed good idea, but to be patient for my period to return. She said if I get a positive on my test, I’d have to come in every other day to see if the HCG levels are rising or falling. If they fall, it’s from my ectopic, but if they rise, it’s new.

I’ll keep you all posted

Update #2: My HCG levels are continuing to double at a normal rate. Ultrasound scheduled 2/16 to ensure the baby is in the uterus this time.

My level from my ectopic, compared to my new pregnancy.

Update #3: Hcg levels are higher and look fantastic! Less than week to go till I get my first ultrasound. I hope this baby is in my uterus 🤞.

Update #4: Baby’s in the uterus!

Measured 6wks 6days

Heartbeat 💗 127

Due Date - 10/6/2018