TTC for baby #2 👼🏼✨


We’re trying to conceive for baby #2 and my ovulation schedule is exactly the same as it was when TTC and got pregnant two years ago! Maybe a good sign 🤞🏽👼🏼✨

Last time when TTC I was pregnant in the first month and now we’ve been trying for several months. I just turned 34.


My husband and I have been TTC since beginning of last summer and I’ve really been trying to not get my hopes up. I got pregnant late summer and had a miscarriage end of September. So I knew I could get pregnant but lots of stress after the miscarriage, especially since we tried immediately after. Just this week I called my Dr to see how someone starts either the process of fertility or gets meds to help fertility (Clomid, etc).

So the first week in my TWW (last week) flew by (is that heard of?!) - mostly since I’ve been super busy at work. And this second week I’ve been dying to take a test but really wanted to wait so I don’t go crazy taking HPTs everyday 😂 ...

Well I checked out this website and it had stats that said First Response 6 Days Early has an 86% chance of showing a positive result at 11 DPO (today)- I think I can handle a 14% chance of needing to follow up 🤔

So I tested this morning first thing and here’s the result - BFP!