TWW with hyperprolactinemia


Feeling anxious ...

I had my IUD out in August and have been casually trying with no success. My period returned (27-day cycle) immediately, but was scantier than normal (2 days light-med flow, one day spotting). Had a bunch of tests done because of this, and everything was normal other than prolactin of 34 (mid-afternoon, non-fasting). My OB wants to wait a few cycles to retest. Per OPK I’ve been having LH surge at day 13/14, so luteal phase should be normal. It is so hard going into this cycle not knowing if there is a problem that could easily be treated with anti-dopaminergic medication ... or if everything is OK and this could be a legit cycle. Plus I’m 34, so just on the edge of 6 mos vs. 12 mos to full fertility work up. Feel so distracted by this!