So I want to vlog because....


I want to start a vlog because I’m a stay at home mom

I stay home while my husband works we are 20 and 21 and we have a litttle boy who is 16 months , so while my husband works my son and I do our regulars in the morning which is eat clean and play then we take pictures for instagram my husband not so much because he work , we also take other pictures but just for my son , because he does modeling .

We also do different things like arts and crafts and I love makeup myself and I consider my self a PRO !!!! Lol I’m just playing but I feel happy where I and in my makeup life 😂

Yess I would love to vlog about Leo’s modeling trips and things we do during day and my makeup inspirations , beauty tips , what’s hot , trips we take as a family challenges . I just want to see what everybody thinks about this maybe a little motivation is what I need or some advice I can use ? That would be lovely !!
