So frustrated!

Ok so for about 2 weeks now (im 10.2weeks) I haven't been able to get comfortable when sleeping. Sleeping is a must for me and I'm usually in bed by no later than 9. I toss and turn and then I also can't eat but I'm so hungry. Nothing sounds good and when I do eat I get sick. I just don't know what to do. I'm so uncomfortable and I can't tell my husband bcuz I begged for another baby. I don't want him to think I'm ungrateful but I have been so moody! I already have 3 small children so I am exhausted but nothing helps since I just can't sleep. If I'm already this uncomfortable I don't want to even imagine the next 6 months....yikes! Thanks for hearing my rant.
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Invest in lots of pillows and definatly a body pillow worked wonders for me. U just got get positioned right.


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Unisom is working wonders for me, not only does it help me sleep but it settles my nauseous tummy, too. And my doctor okayed it 😊