Possibly a miscarriage?!


So according to my lmp I am 6w 7d but I know I ovulated late so according to that date I’m 5w 4d. I started bleeding last night, it’s not much it hasn’t been enough to soak up a pad but it’s there when I wipe. Passed tissue like clots so I’m a little worried. I went to see the OB today and she couldn’t find anything on the ultrasound which she said it might still be too early we also drew my blood and my hcg levels were 60. I’m going to go retake them on Saturday to see if they increase/decrease but I’m terrified. This is my first pregnancy and we were so excited, and going to announce to my family in two weeks on my 30th Birthday. Of course today is the day I get my stork lularoe leggings in the mail! 😭😭 sorry if the picture is tmi, please let me know if anyone else has experienced this as well