So depressed

Grace • Expecting our rainbow🌈 Thomas John Clyde Dempsey 💙💚 Aug 13,2019 👣

Hi ladies! As most of you know, I posted about a BFP that I got on the 18th. Well, the 21st, I started bleeding. It was pink, doctor said no reason to worry... Next day, it was red, & clots. Went to the ER... said it was a miscarriage... My blood type was Rh-, while my husbands was Rh+, which attacked my babies blood cells, and caused me to miscarry. I had to get a RhoGAM shot to make it to where it prevents further miscarriages... My doctor didn't explain alot... but my husband has been okay, & I've been depressed, crying, etc. It was my first baby. H

e keeps saying we can try again, but it's not that easy... Was anyone's husband the same way?