Buckle up because this is a ride. (ADVICE NEEDED URGENTLY)

Alright friends so I am currently pregnant and wanting to get on birth control after I have my precious child. However I have this issue where my body rejects birth control. Yes, you read that correctly, my body actually rejects birth control. So I started with going through every birth control pill under the sun. Every single brand caused migraines to the point I was vomiting, room spinning, and couldn't leave bed. So I got off of the pills and instead tried the depo. Well the depo made me nauseated to where instead of gaining weight I lost an unhealthy amount and was bleeding (almost period like) for 6 months straight. So I got off that, gave myself a 3 month recovery time because my body was TIRED. I then switched to the implant and buddy that was the worst mistake of my life. I bled so heavily for 6 months straight every single day that I ended up in the hospital with such severe anemia my organs were close to shutting down. After getting fixed up and the devil stick taken out of my arm I went birth control free and didn't get pregnant from unprotected sex for 5 years. I told my OB this and she was shocked. She has suggested the Mirena as a last ditch effort but I am TERRIFIED. Can anyone else relate? What worked for you? Or am I the only person in this world whose body hates birth control to this level?