DELIVERY STORY!🎀💖 (This is long)


On January 17th I had my 39 week appointment. I was 39+2 weeks along. My doctor checked me for dilation and said I felt ready and was a strong candidate to have my membranes stripped so we went through with it. This was at 1pm and by 2pm I had my first contraction. At first they were small and 15 to 20 minutes apart. At 4pm my fiancé had to leave to work his part time job but I was a little worried about him leaving me as I was still having contractions.

After he left my contractions were 10 minutes apart and getting pretty uncomfortable so I decided to take a warm bath to take my mind off of it. I lay in the bath for an hour or so and by the time I got out my contractions were getting pretty strong so I lay in bed and started timing them. They were about 6 minutes apart. At 7pm I called my fiancé and told him that I wanted him to come home. He immediately left work and came home to me.

I was unsure if I was ready for the hospital so we lay in bed and he rubbed my back. My sister in law and mom were telling me i needed to go to the hospital right away so at 8pm we grabbed our things and went there. Thankfully the hospital is only 10 minutes from where I live.

For some reason my contractions slowed down once I got hooked up to monitors and the nurses were acting like I was being silly and they were just gonna send me home. They checked me and I was 3cm so they said they’d leave me on the monitor for an hour but if I didn’t progress I needed to go home. Well an hour passed and they checked me again and sure enough I was 4cm and had my bloody show so they officially admitted me to labor and delivery. By midnight I progressed to 6cm and my contractions were 2 minutes apart. I received epidural and felt so much better. Lol.

I ended up being 10cm by 5am but my doctor wasn’t going to be in until 7 or 8 so they told me to just hold on a little longer. I was in intense pain with nonstop contractions for hours that even the epidural couldn’t help. I felt like I needed to push but they kept telling me I wasn’t ready so I had to force myself to not push. Finally around 7am they gave me more anesthesia that made my bottom half 100% numb. I couldn’t lift my legs at all. Finally around 8am my doctor showed and was going to break my water. My fiancé had to move my leg to get me in position and as soon as he moved my leg my water made an audible pop and busted everywhere. Scared the heck outta my fiancé. 😂😂

I pushed for 30 minutes and at 8:48am my babygirl arrived!!! My doctor had me in a position that I could almost see my vagina so as soon as her head came out I was able to see everything. They told me she was almost out so I pushed with all my might and her head came out and the rest of her followed. It was amazing! I’m