What if it was you!! Long!

Natty • Pregnant with my second child due January 12th
My partners 16yr old brother got his 16yr old girlfriend pregnant! Im also pregnant and got a 5yr old and im 28 got my house so alot different. His girlfriend is nasty peace of work talks to his brother like shit so the family hate her we think she planed to get pregnant as she said she was on pill! Anyway my partners mum and dad got her a pram it was 2nd hand she paid £90 for it comes with everything car seat ect ect looks good you can see its been used but everthing works and its clean! His mum got me one to cost £90 same as her but alot nicer not really used she give it to me as she said i mite not get to see the baby away plus she dont deserve it as she horrible to brad! Anyway she thought mine was hers and when she found out it wasnt she was nasty to his brother all evening making his brother nasty to his mum and dad i dont know why they are letting her get Anyway with it there normally very hard not scard to say that they think very honest people its doing my head in im finding it very hard to keep my mouth shut i want to kill her!! She is a snake in the grass very ungrateful never says thank-you for the dinner they cooked her as she is only aload over on Saturdays as they dont trust her to be there on there own! What im saying is would you pull the bitch up on all the shit she has done!?