Should I stay or should I go?

Been trying to conceive for over a year. So we had to wait 6 months before we could start fertility treatment because my husband went to Costa Rica in July for a bachelor party and the docs basically said there’s still this concern over Zika. So now after 6 months went by, I scheduled the appointment to start treatment two weeks ago for this Friday and told my husband about it then and also reminded him of the appointment on Tuesday, and he said he forgot it was this Friday but then said ok. On wednesday he asked me if I could change the appointment and I asked why? He said his coworkers bday is on Saturday and he wants to go snowboarding with his coworkers, he plans to leave on Friday, which is the day the appt is scheduled for and come back on Saturday evening. Of course I was extremely mad, tried to see if he was willing to compromise by asking if he could just leave after the appt. he kept asking if we could just change it to a different date, which I refused because I already had to wait 6 months bc of him and now that the time has come he wants me to reschedule because he wants to go snowboarding? My other issue is that he decided that he was going on this overnight trip without first checking to see if I was ok with it. I told him I was not going to change the appointment and that I felt hurt and simply did not understand how all of a sudden he wants to just take off for the weekend and cancel this appt. I told him to do as he pleases at this point to me this just goes to show we’re not on the same page and I’m thinking about leaving. I don’t think he takes me serious enough, and I’m tired of it. Not sure what to do? Please help