Twin surprise!



My husband and I went to Carolina Medical Center yesterday for more invasive studies on our twins. Come to find out our twins don’t truly have twin-twin transfusion syndrome. They have now diagnosed us with TAPS; which what we understood was a blood count and anemia complication between the twins. We are at stage 2 and was told at this point we are at a wait and see what happens stage. We have to make the 3 hour trip back to Carolina Medical Center every week to check the progress of these precious miracles.

So my husband and I are in complete shock. We go in yesterday for our 19 week anatomy ultrasound; my husband (joking) said can you make sure it is still one baby. The ultrasound tech looked at us in shock and said no you have 2 babies! We both look at each other thinking the tech was joking with us,but sure enough we have two precious miracles! The doctors kept apologizing for missing it on our last ultrasound. We were told that unfortunately one twin is really behind from her sister...diagnosed us with Twin-twin transfusion syndrome. I’m scared out of my mind!!! Has anyone else experienced this before?