Prayers for our rainbow babies! 🌈

Hannah • TTC for baby #1 (had a miscarriage April 9th, 2015) waiting for my 🌈 baby
I had a miscarriage back in April and luckily enough I started back my period the very next month right on time so I am hoping that will mean I will ovulate on time. This is my green week and I know that it is many other ladies green week...I just wanted to shout out to all the women out there who have suffered the loss of a child. It isn't easy and it hurts bad inside. I have never experienced a hurt so bad in my life. I will never forget my unborn little one. I would love for prayers for me and my husband so that we may be able to have another chance at a new little bitty soon. Maybe even this cycle..? Who knows! With that being said I would love to say a small prayer for all of you out there suffering a loss this week, or maybe you are in your 2 week wait, or maybe you got that BFN and AF is on the way, it's already here and you are down today. If you got your BFP I would love to pray that your pregnancy is strong, viable, and healthy and you carry a full term baby that you can hold in your arms. 
I know first hand the suffering of a loss and the feeling of uncertainty of things being "right" in a pregnancy. 
The loss of a child is not something I ever imagined would happen to me...
I can only pray that me and my husband will have a second chance soon. And that all of you get your special bundle of joy in the very near future🌈