After 6 months, finally a BFP!!

When my husband and I started on this journey 6 months ago, I thought getting pregnant would be easy. A month or two and we would be pregnant and happy. That was soooo not the case. It was one of the most stressful times of our lives, especially since it seemed like every one of my friends got pregnant in that time. After month 5 I was depressed. Pretty much couldn't have another conversation about getting pregnant. We tried dtd every day, every other day, etc over those months and nothing. We sat down and said we needed a break. So in month 6 I didn't look at my <a href="">pregnancy apps</a> once. I started working out to take up my free time. Of course there were a few times it crossed my mind but in general we were stress free. Because my husband travels for work we only had sex twice this month! Twice! After having some vivid dreams, swollen fingers, and some spotting I decided to take a HPT. I almost died when it was POSITIVE!! Couldn't be happier to meet our baby in February. Don't give up hope. I truly believe that stress was taking over our lives and making it impossible to get pregnant. Good luck everyone!