3 times in a month!


Okay, I know I'm "old" and nearing menopause, but this is ridiculous. I am now "on my period" for the third time this month. For the past two years, since I had an endometrial ablation in November 2015, my cycle has been regular and very light. But...it was a week late at the end of December 2017, starting New Year's <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> and bleeding for five days (2 days longer than normal). I then had ten days in between, and started again, and bled for another five days. 11 days later, and here it is again. I am frustrated and angry and feel like my body betrayed me! I know it is all just shifting hormones, but REALLY?