How can I fix my trust issues?

Alanna_Keishel • Sag♐️|✨18✨|Free-spirit🌠

I am 18 years old and I don’t trust a single soul when it comes to a guy. I can like a guy but every time I get close I get a feeling if I let them in , I will end up getting hurt in the end. Then I feel like because of this I may have let a good guy get away. Sometimes I feel like most of them only want to be with me because I’m a virgin they want to be with me so they can take it and be “my first” . Whenever a guy a approaches me it starts out all good but I like when I get to know a guy fully and I ask serious things, like his life goals ,his plans for his future things like his last name, his likes and dislikes and general things you’d ask to get to know a guy. And most of the time the guy who so called likes me doesn’t do the same . I feel like if they do this then they don’t really want to-get to know the me I really want to get out of this but it’s so hard because I usually they end up showing those exact things I’m afraid of happening so it’s like if I let them in id be a fool I really need some womanly advice I want a relationship but I’m afraid of being heartbroken 😞. I just want to be physically and mentally ready for a relationship not always stressed about who’s that girl or where he is I don’t want to be that girl I want to trust again. 😫